Holistic Personal Training

Lainie Cassel is a lifelong multi-sport athlete, coach and trainer who has worked with everyone from office workers with chronic pain to nationally-ranked athletes. Through restorative and quality movement practices focused on the breath, mobility and strength, clients become more knowledgeable about their body and how to prevent injury while also gaining skills that will cross over to all areas of their life. No matter what your physical goals, Lainie can help you put together a practice that fits with your schedule and needs.

Lainie currently trains clients in the Buckhead/Midtown area of Atlanta and is also available for in-home and online training.


  • Small groups classes: no more than 2-5ppl

  • Technically and holistically focused training at a reduced cost

  • Available for all levels and starting points

1-on-1 Training

  • Highly technical training for athletes, first-time gym goers or folks who want or need more individualized support.

  • Available for all levels and ages (including teenagers!)

Online Strength + Nutrition

  • One hour check-ins with monthly nutritional counseling, video analysis of movements/lifts, technical advice

  • One month of customized workouts

  • Available for all levels (beginners to elite athletes) and equipment accessibility.

Why Strength Train?

Lainie has been taught by some of the best in the field of strength training on technique, programming and supplemental movements. With proper implementation and movement patterns, the benefits of strength training (for everyone from desk workers to athletes) are countless:

  • Reduce anxiety and increase ability to ground

  • Reduce and even eliminate symptoms of chronic pain

  • Prevent Injury

  • Hormonal Balance

  • Increase bone density and muscle mass (especially important during aging)

  • Improve sleep, mental health, energy levels, cardiovascular and brain health

  • Increase mobility and functional movement patterns

  • Can help with weight loss and aesthetic goals

23-year-old client on first day of training / 6 months / 1 year
20 lbs of weight gain (primarily muscle), reduced back pain and increased mobility through entirety of body. Overall more complete, calm and confident.


Lainie is the BEST! I’ve never had a teacher that is able to synthesize strength, breath, and nutrition concepts so well. The small group training sessions Lainie coaches have had an incredible impact on my body and my self esteem. She is excellent at working with each individual’s needs and building up confidence so you can work in the gym alone as well. I have a history with EDs (like most women), and working with Lainie has made me feel safe and confident in a space that had been triggering for me in the past.
— Mira
[Lainie] has really taught me a lot about strength training and that I do not need to kill myself in the gym to get results. She has helped some of my aches and pains of aging go away through strength training too! I highly recommend her and suggest you do not wait to get started because you will not regret it!
— Laurie
I found Lainie back in March and it’s been a dream ever since. I’d gone through a number of different programs and nutrition trainers, but none of them ever felt right, felt like they listened to me, felt like they really heard what my issues were, until her. I’m so psyched that we get to work together towards my goals!
— Raven

Contact me.

Interested in personal training? Send me a message and we can set up a free consultation over the phone or in-person. Options available in Atlanta, GA as well as virtually.