Are you struggling with the following symptoms?

  • Hair Loss

  • Dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne

  • Constipation, chronic bloating, diarrhea

  • Autoimmune disease

  • SIBO, Leaky Gut, IBS

  • Anxiety or Brain Fog


A healthy gut is at the foundation of a healthy body.

Many people today suffer from a host of digestive issues that begin as a little discomfort (ie gas, bloating, etc) but eventually affect other aspects of their health. While there are numerous medications out there to help relieve some of the pain or issues associated with digestive distress, these quick fixes often don’t address the underlying issues present in the gut. Additionally, many of the conventional health foods that people go to for relief, while providing a short-term benefit, often end up perpetuating the problem in the long-term.

By working one-on-one together, I can guide you through learning about your physiology and help you discover which foods work best for improving your gut.

Efficient digestion can have countless benefits to your overall health and appearance.

Lainie Cassel is available locally in Atlanta, GA and for online zoom nutrition services.

The Problem w/ the Skin Care Industry

  • We have a microbiome on our skin (similar to our gut) and when we use antibacterial soaps on our skin, we are actually killing many of the beneficial bacteria and natural flora that play an important role in protecting our health.

  • When you apply soaps and other skincare products, you are also removing many of the skin’s natural oils.

  • What you put on your skin gets directly absorbed into your body. This includes many of the endocrine-disrupting and potentially cancerous chemicals in a variety of modern skin-care products. You want to be just as cautious about what you put on your skin as what you put inside your mouth.

  • Most skincare is often just masking what is a signal from the body that there is an underlying issue going on. Healing the gut or whatever underlying problem may be present is a much more effective strategy to improving the health of the skin.

  • Most synthetic minerals & nutrients that people use in expensive skincare products don’t have the same bioavailability as when eaten with foods.

Say goodbye to expensive skincare routines and support the body from the inside-out.